Kamis, 21 November 2013

War commander Hack (with cheat engine) tutorial

This his how you can hack WAR COMMANDER game on FACEBOOK.

prerequisite :

1 ) Cheat engine (link : Click here to download)

2 ) Calculator (it can be your windows calculator{use it in Programmer mode} or any calculator which     convert decimal values to hexadecimal values )


Now, this game has to store those values (oil, metal, time, etc.) some where in memory of your computer(just for run time ). So we are going to change them  3:)


# 1 ) For instant upgrade of any thing in your Defense Lab , Tech center and Academy  :

e.g. :  for instant upgrade of PLASMA CANNON , from level 1 to leve 2.

Open your game
then look at metal and oil required.
metal : 10,000,000 and oil : 10,000,000

first we have to convert this values into hexadecimal form. For this we need calculator.

then click on Hex box.

so we the hex value is :         989680   

make it an 8 digit no. by adding zeros at starting

then make 4 pair of 2-2 digits and then,  write it like this:
00   98  96  80
then write it reverse order like this
80   96  98  00 

then do the same for oil
This time same for the oil. at this time oil is same as metal so oils hex value will  be the same

                                                                      80   96   98  00

now add oil's hex value just after the metal's like this  -- >


We are done with the first part.

now open cheat engine
click on the flashing button or  click on "File" then "Open process".

then select the process,
I am running the game on Google Chrome browser. so the desired process will be ONE of the chrome process in the list.

Then do this step.

then search for the hex  :  8096980080969800  (which we have calculated in previous step).


NOW after getting this values : you see this

now Double click on each address and change its value. click on the area shown in above pic.
value can be exchanged with : 64 00 00 00 64 00 00 00
it will change the metal and oil values to 100 and 100.
for each address, check whether the values are changing in the game or not.( you have to reopen the defense lab) until you get the desired address.

In my case its the second address from the top (address : 08671464)
now right click on this address and click on "Browse this memory region". you will see this -- >

no you can see here
64 00 00 00 64 00 00 00 00 46 05 00
here first 8 digit are for metal second for oil and third  for time.
so we again change the last 8 digit to change the time in the game.
change it to 78 00 00 00 which is 2 min.
it would look like :

and in game you will see :

then click start upgrading and then click finish(because its less then 5 min.)

BOOM you have just upgraded your plasma cannon.

NOTE : It is not necessary that the time value in hexadecimal form are stored at just next to metal and oil it could be saved at next address. In Tech Center time values are stored at next line
for that you convert time into seconds
(we have 4 days means 4 x 24 x 60 x 60  seconds = 345600 )
convert it to hex -- >  00054600
then shuffle it
00  46  05 00
you can see this value just after the metal and oil values in above case.

in case of tech center. -->

here you can see that time value is stored in next line(address).
just convert it to 78 00 00 00 which is 2 min.

for any query pls comment.

Dragon City Hack Gems Tutorial

Hi there, I have found a new cheat for dragon city game. Check this video. Or you can go to this site

Jumat, 15 November 2013

How to use cheat angine?

Anda sudah punya Cheat Engine belum?? Jika belum silahkan download disini
Nah kali ini akan membahas tentang bagaimana menggunakan Cheat Engine untuk memperbanyak uang pada game offline ataupun online. Kita sering kali kesulitan jika bermain game tapi kehabisan uang. Nah ikuti langkah-langkahnya untuk mendapatkan mempermudah bermain game.

Langsung saja :

  1. Jika belum di install, segera install sofwarenya jika sudah diinstall buka software Cheat Engine.
  2. Nah setelah muncul seperti disamping klik iccon yg bergambar komputer.
  3. Lalu akan muncul Process List
  4. Nah jika kamu ingin cheat game online, Contohnya pada game di Facebook maka open browser-nya. Ada beberapa List pilih firefox.exe. Untuk game offline open list game tersebut.
  5. Untu langkah selanjutnya isi value dengan uang yang saat ini anda punya. lalu klik Fist Scan.
  6. Jika blum ketemu kurangi jumlah uangmu pada game. Dan masukkan angka uangmu di value dan klik Next Scan.
  7. Jika sudah berkurang jumlah address-nya maka klik dua kali seperti gambar disamping.
  8. Nah akan muncul list add address lalu ubah value klik 2 kali.
  9. Nah setelah muncul Change this value to:
    Ubah sesuai keinginan anda. Lalu klik OK
  10. Selamat mencoba

Jumat, 08 November 2013

Cheat Dota 2 tutorial

Single Player cheats
These cheats can only be used on private lobbies where the option "Enable cheats" is selected. To activate them, you need to press the Chat key (default Enter) any time during the match.

All bots gain x levels.: -lvlbots 
Destroys all wards.: -killwards
Disables lane creep spawning.: -disablecreepspawn
Displays AI status.: -dumpbots
Enable lane creep spawning.: -enablecreepspawn
Gain x levels.: -lvlup 
Gain x unreliable gold.: -gold 
Gives the player full health and mana, and renews cooldowns.: -refresh
Kills all creeps.: -killcreeps
Moves the player to fountain, also respawning if dead.: -respawn
Sets the timer to 0:00, creeps spawn and game starts.: -startgame
Spawns a rune randomly at one of the two rune spots.: -spawnrune
Spawns creeps instantly.: -spawncreeps
Spawns neutral camps instantly, taking into account neutral spawn blocking.: -spawnneutrals
Turn off "allvision" mode, going back to default fog of war vision.: -normalvision
Turn off "wtf" mode.: -unwtf
Turn on "allvision" mode, where the player is given vision of both factions.: -allvision
Turn on "wtf" mode, where abilities have no mana cost or cooldown.: -wtf

Cheat game point blank tutorial

cheatgamerpg.blogspot.com merupakan sebuah situs penyedia layanan cheat yang bisa di pergunakan dalam permainan game online. Salah satu cheat yang sering di sediakan dan bisa di pergunakan ialah untuk game online yang bernaung dalam gemscool yakni point blank.
Gemscool selalu melakukan update setiap harinya agar terhindar dari aksi para cheater (pengguna cheat) yang belakangan ini mulai marak di lakukan oleh para pemainnya, dengan bertujuan untuk memperkuat skill dan lebih cepat dalam mendapatkan sebuah poin sehingga tingkatan levelnya cepat naik.
Bagi para pemain yang senang menggunakan sebuah cheat tentu harus lebih mengetahui jelas tentang update yang di lakukan oleh situs–situs penyedia layanan cheat. Dari sekian banyaknya situs penyedia cheat ialah E991, dalam situs tersebut melakukan sebuah update cheat dalam setiap harinya karena mengikuti perkembangan update yang di lakukan oleh gemscool.
Teknik cheat pastinya akan ada masa tenggangnya, maka saya intruksikan bagi anda yang senang menggunakan teknik tersebut agar lebih teliti dalam memakainya. Masa tenggang yang terjadi dalam sebuah teknik cheat ialah adanya update hackshield dari situs penyediagemscool.com
Memang kesan yang di dapat dalam melakukan sebuah teknik cheat sangatlah negatif karena cara tersebut memaksakan skill atau kemampuan dalam karakter yang di mainkan dalam permainannya, namun jika anda hobi menggunakan cheat maka tidak ada salahnya jika anda memakai cheat yang telah di sediakan oleh E991.
E991 Cheat PB Update Terbaru 2013 – [download]
Fitur E991 Cheat PB Terbaru :
- Burst Awp Kayu -> Auto E991 On
- Burst Awp Magnum -> Auto E991 Fix On
- Burst Pistol – > Auto E991 Fix On
- 1 Hit SG Puter – > Auto E991 Fix On
- 1 Hit SG Spass – > Auto E991 Fix On
- 1 Hit SG Gosong – > Auto E991 Fix On
- 1 Hit Awp Magnum – > Auto E991 Fix On
- 1 Hit Awp Kayu – > Auto E991 Fix On
- 1 Hit K5 – > Auto E991 Fix On
- Moving Speed SG Gosong – > Pas Di Pertempuran Tekan + Tahan W Baru Tembak Pke SG Gosong
Hotkey :
- No Respawn – > Home
- Kill Invincible Time – > Auto On
- Unlimited HP – > On = F1 Off = F2
- No Recoil Magnum – > Auto On
- No Recoil SG Gosong – > Auto On
- Kill Invincible Time – > Home
- No Recoil – > Auto On
- Death Fly – > Home
- Fast Plant – > Home
- Fast Defuse – > Home
Instructions For Use :
- Open Point Blank Launcher
- Open Injector
- Start Point Blank
- Tekan Enter Untuk Menghilangkan Notice
Important Note :
- Harus install dulu VCredits dan NetFramework
- Jika kena bugtrap coba pakai metode flashdisk
- Di saat menekan ENTER, jangan gerakkan mouse atau mengklik sedikitpun, karena pasti DC/BT. Biarkan dulu hingga loading PB selesai.. lalu memasukan ID dengan password PB-kalian, selanjutnya baru mouse boleh gerakkan lagi.
Injector : [download]
Instructions For Use :
- Open Point Blank Launcher
- Open Injector
- Start Point Blank
- Tekan Enter Untuk Menghilangkan Notice
Important Note :
- Harus install dulu VCredits dan NetFramework.
- Jika kena bugtrap coba pakai metode flashdisk.
- Di saat menekan ENTER jangan menggerakkan mouse, biarkan dahulu hingga loading PB selesai, setelah itu memasukan ID dan password PB anda.
Mudah-mudahan kumpulan E991 cheat pb terbaru ini bermanfaat bagi sobat semua, jangan lupa baca juga update terbaru kumpulan cheat ninja saga terlengkap 2013.

Cheat Game Wartune Tutorial

  • Langkah pertama sahabat boleh mendownload CHEAT engine 6.1
        untuk mendownloadnya CHEAT ENGINE bisa mencarinya di GOOGLE dengan keyword CHEAT  ENGINE 6.1
  • Setelah di DOWNLOAD aktifkan CHEATnya.
  • Buka gamenya menggunakan GOOGLE CROME
  • Lalu masuk kedalam game WARTUNE
  • Ketika sudah masuk silahkan menuju FARM
  • Cheat yang sudah di jalankan tadi silahkan anda KLIK FOUND ( menu pada CHEAT )
  • Pilih menu GOOGLE CROME seperti gambar

  • gambar 1.1

    • Pilih VALUE TYPE dan TEXT
    • Kemudian sahabat silahkan pilih bagian paling bawahnya ( ada KOTAK kecil yang berisikan VALUE-VALUE yang akan di UBAH menjadi yang SOBAT MAU )
    • Ubahlah VALUE tersebut dengan VALUE di BAWAH ini ( Lihat gambar berikutnya jika membingungkan )
    • gambar 1.2

    gambar 1.3
    Keterangan Gambar 1.1 
    • Langkah 1 adalah FOUND yang saya maksudkan dalam penjelasan di atas
    • Langkah 2 adalah memilih BROWSER yang mambaca permaina WARTU yang sudah di buka ( baca penjelasan ke-7
    • Langkah 3 agar Cheat Engine bisa membaca PROGRAM yang akan di CHEAT
    • Langkah 4 adalah langkah dimana ketika anda sudah menempatkan CHAR anda kedalam FARM pada permainan WARTUNE ( lihat tulisan merah  masukkan VALUE " 2160001 " adalah nama item yang berbentuk skrip angka kombinasi BILANGAN BINER
    Keterangan Gambar 1.2
    • Tekan SHIT yang di iringi dengan mengklik satu persatu menu pada penjelasan gambar angka 1
    • Ikon tersebut adalah dimana CHEAT ENGINE di perintahkan untuk menCHANGE VALUE " 2160001 " dengan VALUE yang anda inginkan ( namun anda harus membaca keterangan lebih lanjut di bawah ini )
    Keterangan Gambar 1.3
    • Tekan SHIT yang di iringi dengan mengklik satu persatu menu pada penjelasan gambar angka 1
    • Kemudian tekan ENTER untuk menampilkan gambar 2 yang nantinya akan di isi dengan VALUE

      2160048 = GOLD HACK
      2160041 = VOUNCHER HACK
      2160050 = DARU HACK
      2160052 = CRYSTAL 20 k HACK
      2160055 = EXP HACK
      2160046 = MEDAL HACK
    Bila mana sahabat BLOG JM sudah melakukan hal tersebut silahkan tanam tanaman di FARM yang bisa panen 1 hari dengan harga perbuahnya 600 gold.

    Please give us donation for support this blog

    Wartune-Game Instruction

    Wartune is an adventure role playing game developed by Proficientcity. Become a hero and grow stronger as you fight the forces of evil in the world of evil. Gamezebo’s quick start strategy guide will provide you with detailed images, tips, information, and hints on how to play your best game

    Quick Start Guide

    Getting Started
    • Wartune is free to play, and can be played by clicking the “Play Now!” option at the top of this page.
    • Shortly after starting Wartune, you will meet Dinah, who will lead you through the basics ofWartune.
    Wartune basics
    • The goal of Wartune is to fight monsters, complete quests, gain experience, grow stronger, and build and expand your city to grow stronger with you.

    • Besides the quests you find on your adventure, there are always several daily events you can take part in.

      • In the same menu, you can also find a number of daily tasks you can complete. This won’t only earn you experience and other loot, but if you complete enough of them, you can receive additional bonuses for completeness.

        • Once you reach a high enough level, you will be able to access the arena from your city. Fight your way through the ranks for experience, rewards, and glory.

        • A strong hero
          • To fight the forces of evil, you will want to become the strongest hero you can be. Through battles and completing quests, you gain experience and level up.

          • Simply being experienced alone isn’t enough, though. Even the toughest heroes need weapons and armor to aid them in battle, and this is no different in Wartune. Keep an eye out for better equipment on your adventures, be it in the field or in shops, and always make sure you have your best gear equipped.

          • As you gain experience and become stronger, you will also receive skill points. These are points you can spend on new skills: active skills that you can activate during battles that consume rage, such as the Ultimate Slasher attack, and passive skills that are always active, such as Heart of Rage, which gives you extra rage at the start of each battle.

          • A true hero does not fight only for his own glory, though. A true hero knows that fighting evil is best done in a team, and the residents of your city are more than willing to be recruited into fighters to fight on your side.

          • When you upgrade your troops in your barracks, the troops you have already recruited are automatically leveled up as well. Since a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, make sure that your entire team is as strong as they can be.

          You have completed Gamezebo’s quick start guide for Wartune. Be sure to check back often for game updates, staff and user reviews, user tips, forums comments, and much more here at Gamezebo!